Remediation geology and hydrogeology
Offered services
I offer independent expert consultations, projecting, management and evaluation of works in the fields of remediation geology and hydrogeology.
assessment of a site in terms of potential groundwater source
finding of a solution of a dry well or insufficient water quality in a well
preparation of hydrogeological assessment of a site for construction of a new water source
assessment of a site in terms of possible subsurface contamination of soil and groundwater
preparation of project of contamination survey, managing ani evaluation of the survey
preparation of subsurface contamination remediation, managing ani evaluation of the remediation
auditing of geological and drilling works
The price of expert geological consultation is 450 CZK / hour., for large-scale works, pricing based on a detailed project is necessary.
f you are interested in my services, please contact me by phone or e-mail in the footer of this page.
In my environmental science practice I draw on more than two decades of work in the field of remediation geology, where I participated in key projects to remove contamination of the rock environment and groundwater in the Czech Republic caused by the presence of Soviet troops and the communist industry. At present I deal with contamination of sites where previous remediation interventions did not reach the so-called remediation limits.
In the field of hydrogeology, I dealt with and deal with the issue of reducing the capacity of water wells for mass supply of the population and its regeneration, searching for new sources for individual supply due to drying of existing wells and issues of protection and improvement of groundwater quality in wells.
The projects I worked on included implementation of new technologies and intensive research and development activities. The main focus was research and development of biotechnological remediation methods, application of in-situ biotechnological remediation methods, investigation and evaluation of contamination of rock environment by classical and innovative methods. I am a holder of the CZ Ministry of Environment certificate to design, execute and evaluate geological work in remediation geology. The total financial volume of projects I participated in is CZK 850 million.

Main remediation and geological survey projects solved since 1996
Investigation and remediation of soil and groundwater contamination by chloroethenes, heavy metals and oil substances at the Monroe Czechia s.r.o. in Hodkovice nad Mohelkou (1997-2004)
project manager - pilot-scale and full-scale remediation of groundwater and soil pollution by chlorinated ethenes (implementation of innovative technologies of venting and air sparging, pumping and treatment of groundwater, completion of remediation by innovative biological reductive dehalogenation of contaminants , management and monitoring of remediation operation, supplementary monitoring of heavy metals and petroleum substances, post-monitoring monitoring of chloroetenes, remediation of the site was completed by reaching remediation targets
Remediation of soil and groundwater pollution by kerosene at the site Hradčany u Mimoně (former Soviet military airbase) (1997-2018)
project manager of biodegradation of petroleum contamination by autochthonous microorganisms with the support of venting and air sparging - preparation of biodegradation projects for individual years in the period 1998 - 2008, monitoring of factors affecting biodegradation, management and evaluation of biotechnology efficiency, biodegradation remediated 92% of the cleaned pollution), remediation of the site was completed by reaching the remediation targets, later I continued as the principal project manager of the monitoring and evaluation of the attenuation of residual pollution at the site and testing biogeochemical support of natural attenuation
Investigation and remediation of soil and groundwater pollution by chloroethenes, heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons in the site of TRW Lucas Autobrzdy s.r.o. v Jablonci nad Nisou (2004-2013)
principal project manager – surveyn and monitoring of pollution of saturated and unsaturated zone with chloroethenes and petroleum hydrocarbons, pilot test of remediation of CE by biological reductive dehalogenation, full-scale remediation of the site by biological reductive dehalogenation, monitoring and risk analysis of residual pollution
Investigation and remediation of perchloroethylene groundwater contamination at SAP Mimoň site (1998 - 2019)
Member of the research team of risk analysis - identification of risks from very large pollution (10 ha with depth range 50 m bs) of rock environment and groundwater by chlorinated ethenes, risk assessment from migration pollution routes - ecotoxicoloxic tests, hydrobiological survey, evaluation of risks for humans and ecosystems, proposal of remediation targets, later later principal project manager - (2007 - 2009) contamination survey of the site on 4 hectares up to 30 mpt depth, management of remediation by pumping and treatment of groundwater, implementation of innovative technologies - surfactant enhancement of pump-and-terat technology and in situ chemical oxidation with ozone. Intensification of remediation led to the achievement of remediation targets and completion of remediation on the left bank of the river, the contamination content in the source area on the right bank was significantly reduced (10 tons of PCE was balanced in 2014 from the original 150 tons of PCE) 1998- 2019 - conductor of research work to assess diffuse pollution - wood matter, fish tissues, surface water
Presentation at the conference Sanační technologie XXII Uherské Hradiště 2019 (in CZ)
Presentation at the seminar of the North Bohemian Water Management Association Jetřichovice 2018 (in CZ)
Main research projects:
2016 - 2019 Perchlorethylene and its degradation products presence on selected environmental compartments - development of a comprehensive certified methodology for monitoring and assessing the risks of environmental contamination of PCE and its degradation products, TAČR CZ
2015 - 2018 ANAREM - advanced lithotrophic immobilization and anaerobic bioremediation technologies for remediation and prevention of environmental damage. TAČR CZ
2014 - 2015 BIOGEOCHEM - new technologies and materials for groundwater and rock environment treatment using biogeochemical processes, TAČR CZ
2014 - 2015 Microbial meta-omics in connection with the functioning of ecosystems: the role of populations and their metabolic pathways in the degradation of chloroethenes GAČR CZ
2014 - 2015 Thermo-Bio-Rem - development and testing of the method of thermally supported in-situ anaerobic bioremediation of chlorinated contaminants in the rock environment, TAČR CZ
2013 - 2015 REGENERATION - borehole regeneration - development of tools for evaluation of condition and subsequent regeneration of groundwater collection objects, especially for water supply purposes TAČR CZ
2013 - 2015 NANOBIOWAT - Environmentally friendly nanotechnology and biotechnology for water and soil purification, Competence Center, 2011 - 2019 TAČR CZ
2013 -2015 FP7 EU GUIDEnano The main objective of GUIDEnano is to develop innovative methods to evaluate and manage human and environmental health risks of nano-enabled products, considering the whole product life cycle
2008 -2013 METAGENOM, Metagenomics and bioinformatics as a basis for preparation of effective procedures, preparation and characterization of microorganisms and their consortia for use in bioremediation, NATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAM II - Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports [VSMSMT8NPV2]
2008- 2012 FP7 EU isoSoil - specific analysis of isotopic composition of contaminants to assess attenuation and further fate of contaminants
2008-2013 FP7 EU ModelPROBE - site survey and assessment using models and modern non-invasive survey methods
2008 - 2013 FP7 EU BACSIN - Research on Abiotic Bacterial Stress and Adaptation Mechanisms for Survival
2004-2007 FP6 EU BIOTOOL - biological tools for research of condition and prediction of contaminated site development
Multi-Disciplinary Characterization of Chloroethene Subsurface Contamination in Sedimentary Bedrock - presentation at Battele Chlorcon, Montery 2008, CA,USA, in EN
Major Natural and Technological Factors Affecting Efficiency of Bioremediation of Jet-Fuel in Sedimentary Bedrock - presentation at Battele BioSymp 2015 in Miami, FL, USA in EN
Publications in impacted scientific journals (H-index 8, 2019)
Occurrence of perchloroethylene in surface water and fish in a river ecosystem affected by groundwater contamination
By:Zdena Wittlingerová, Jiřina Macháčková, Anna Petruželková and Magdalena Zimová
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH (2015) Environ Sci Pollut ResDOI 10.1007/s11356-015-5806-7
Stratification of chlorinated ethenes natural attenuation in an alluvial aquifer assessedby hydrochemical and biomolecular tools
By: Jan Němeček, Iva Dolinová, Jiřina Macháčková,
CHEMOSPHERE (2017), doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.06.100.
Microbial degradation of chloroethenes: a review
By: Iva Sakmaryova, Martina Štrojsová, Miroslav Cernik, Jan Nemecek, Jirina Machackova, Alena Ševců
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH (2017) 24(Pt 7), DOI:10.1007/s11356-017-8867-y
Using tree core samples to monitor natural attenuation and plume distribution after a PCE spill
By: Larsen, Morten; Burken, Joel; Machackova, Jirina; et al.
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Volume: 42 Issue: 5 Pages: 1711-1717 Published: MAR 1 2008
By: Kabelitz, Nadja; Machackova, Jirina; Imfeld, Gwenael; et al.
APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 82 Issue: 3 Pages: 565-577 Published: MAR 2009
By: Wiegert, Charline; Aeppli, Christoph; Knowles, Tim; et al.
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Volume: 46 Issue: 20 Pages: 10918-10925 Published: OCT 16 2012
Comparison of two methods for assessment of in situ jet-fuel remediation efficiency
By: Machackova, Jirina; Wittlingerova, Zdena; Vlk, Kvetoslav; et al.
WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION Volume: 187 Issue: 1-4 Pages: 181-194 Published: JAN 2008
Carbon and Chlorine Isotope Fractionation During Microbial Degradation of Tetra- and Trichloroethene
By: Wiegert, Charline; Mandalakis, Manolis; Knowles, Tim; et al.
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Volume: 47 Issue: 12 Pages: 6449-6456 Published: JUN 18 2013
Pollutant plume delineation from tree core sampling using standardized ranks
By: Wahyudi, Agung; Bogaert, Patrick; Trapp, Stefan; et al.
ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION Volume: 162 Pages: 120-128 Published: MAR 2012
By: Masak, J; Machackova, J; Siglova, M; et al.
By: Wittlingerova, Z.; Machackova, J.; Petruzelkova, A.; et al.
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH Volume: 20 Issue: 2 Pages: 834-847 Published: FEB 2013
By: Machackova, Jirina; Wittlingerova, Zdena; Vlk, Kvetoslav; et al.
By: Petruzelkova, Anna; Machackova, Jirina; Wittlingerova, Zdenka; et al.
Book Group Author(s): SGEM
Conference: 12h International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference (SGEM) Location: Albena, BULGARIA Date: JUN 17-23, 2012
Impacted articles and other publications are available in full text versions here.

Work experience in science
2018 -
Independent expert in remediation geology, hydrogeology and environmental protection
2016 - 2019
EPS biotechnology s.r.o.
Research and development project manager
planning, design, management and evaluation of R&D projects in the field of environmental protection, especially in the field of pollution research and decontamination of rock environment and groundwater
2013 - 2016
Technical university in Liberec
senior researcher at the Nanomaterials Department in Natural Sciences
leadership and cooperation in the implementation of research projects in the field of remediation geology, hydrogeology and environmental protection
1996- 2014
KAP s.r.o., Prague, renamed to Earth Tech CZ s.r.o, Prague, from 2005 to AECOM CZ s.r.o. regional center Liberec
Employed as a principal project manager and environmental specialist at the Liberec branch office of the company. The main scope of the work was the processing of surveys, evaluation and analysis of risks from environmental contamination and the design and implementation of projects for remediation of anthropogenic pollution of the rock environment, since 2005 representative of the company in international scientific research projects. From April 2006 to June 2009 transition to the position of head of the regional center of the company, leaving because of maternal leave
1995 -1996
REO - RWE Entsorgung s.r.o., Praha, holding company dealing with waste management
employed as a junior staff member in the New Projects Department. The work involved pilot projects of collection and recycling of PET bottles, electronic scrap and toner cartridges.
TGM Water Research Institute, Prague 6
work on the position of laboratory technician in the radiochemical laboratory as part of the thesis. The topic of this thesis was monitoring of radioactive Sr-90 in the ecosystem of the Orlík Dam