Who I am

Inka Macháčková

My name is Inka Macháčková, my long-term profession is expert and research work in the field of anthropogenic pollution of the environment, especially in soils and groundwater.
However, in the early 1990s I was intrigued by the natural philosophy and psychospiritual technique of holotropic breathwork O opened to the experience in 2008 and since that it has become a part of my life so much that I went through training for practitioners of this method. In 2014 I organized the first official training module for practitioners of this method in the Czech Republic and in 2019 I co-organized the conference on thirty years of Holotropic Breathwork TM in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Since 2016 I have been accompanying clients experiencing this self-experience technique with therapeutic potential in the care of the human soul. .
The experience of Holotropic Breathwork was the first step towards an intensive journey of self-knowledge, to which other techniques of psychospiritual and self-experience practice were gradually added. A very significant experience was four years of pair Tantra work with sacred sexuality under the leadership of Ma Ananda Sarita and Suta Guy Rawson.
Also the path of women's circles belongs to me, which I started to facilitate in 2011. Important part of my journey is transpersonal and Jungian depth psychology, which I have encountered in the training of facilitating Holotropic Breathwork TM. Another level is understanding the influence of the family on our fates, and because of the need to unravel my formation by the family of origin, I have been trained in systemic constellation practice and went through intensive three-year one-to-one therapeutic work.
I work in individual and group self-exploration work with clients in the field of transpersonal psychology, with elements of body focused work, tantra, shamanism and work with trauma experience.
In my personal life I live in a relationship that lasts since 1990 and brought me, among other things, triple motherhood.
Science education
2007-2011 Facukty of Environment, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, doctoral study - applied and landscape ecology
1990 - 1995 Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, masters degree in Environmental Science
1986 - 1990 Grammar School Písek
Trainings and self-experience in the field of self-knowledge, personal development and therapy
training in transpersonal psychology and facilitation of holotropic breathwork, (Grof Transpersonal Training , 2013 - 2017, tutors Tav Sparks, Stanislav Grof, Diane Haug, Diana Medina, www.holotropic.com)
training in systemic therapy (2014 - 2016)
Tantra trainings - Soul Mates and Empowered Woman (2013 - 2017, https://www.tantra-essence.com)
shamanic practice - sweat lodges, fire walking, drumming
past-life regression therapy and hypnotherapy training (2012, 2020 - 2022)